Release date: 09. 11. 2020.

It can be difficult to remain permanently motivated in the workplace. The reasons for this are often varied, but can be easily eliminated with a few small tips. We'll show you what you can do to stay motivated at work and be more satisfied with yourself in the long term.

There are days when it is difficult to stay motivated at work — you feel lethargic and tired. You reach the end of the day feeling like you haven’t achieved much, and knowing that tomorrow the pressure will be on to get everything done. But the next day, the same thing happens all over again. It’s a cycle that is difficult to break.

Not only does this have an effect on your work and level of performance, it also has an effect on you personally. In addition, if you continually procrastinate, your career does not develop, which leads to depression, which is no longer an easy thing to shake off when you get home.

However, there are a few simple ways that you can counteract this. If you break the cycle, not only will you help your own career, you will also boost your mood and general wellbeing in the long term.

To motivate yourself and counteract your own lack of drive, we have just the right tips for you:

  1. Set yourself intermediate goals: Large tasks can seem very intimidating at first, but if you divide them into smaller tasks and work through them systematically, they don’t seem as big any more. You feel a small sense of achievement every time you complete a sub-task, which increases your motivation bit by bit.
  2. Think positive: Instead of focusing on the not-so-pleasant tasks you have to complete today, think about something that inspires you. A good song on the radio? Or even the sunny weather? Or the feeling of achievement after completing a job? There are many little things we can look forward to every day, and every little positive feeling helps us to stay motivated. You just have to focus on it.
  3. Reward yourself: There are many ways you can reward yourself. Whether it’s some chocolate, your next coffee, or something similar, there are many different rewards you can use to motivate yourself. However, you should be honest with yourself as to whether the reward is justified, otherwise a reward quickly becomes a habit and loses its effect.
  4. Focus: Keep your task planning simple and easy to understand! Put your focus on one task and tackle it specifically. A list of priorities can also be helpful. Avoid glancing at your phone or social media, this will only distract you. Even if it is tedious to sustain your focus, it can also become a habit and you will be able to complete tasks more quickly. This will help you to stay motivated in the long term.
  5. Further training: Some tasks are sometimes so intimidating that you lose all motivation right from the outset. Sometimes it’s the huge volume of the task, sometimes it’s the time you have to invest, and sometimes it’s the lack of soft skills that could help you to complete the task. The last point helps us to pinpoint where we can work on ourselves to counteract our lack of skills. Once we have recognised our own weaknesses, we can think about how to compensate for them or counteract them.
    Problems with Excel or other PC programmes?
    Many online tutorials can provide rapid help and make up for many deficits. Whether it is a blog, a video, or even coaching, there are always ways to learn something new. Successfully applying what you have learned to your work brings additional motivation.

You can implement a lot of what you have learned immediately and try it out directly. We hope that these tips help you to increase your own motivation. Sometimes you have to find out for yourself what works best. Perhaps a combination of several of these tips? Try it out now!